God Tussi Great Ho is a Bollywood comedy film that is written and directed by Rumi Jaffery. Here Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Sohail Khan and Amitabh Bachchan playing the lead role. It is inspired by A Hollywood film Bruce almighty. The film was released on August 15, 2008.
Here Arun (Salman Khan) is a unsuccessful TV anchor and for not getting success he always blame to God (Amitabh Bachchan). Later Rocky (Sohail Khan) is appointed and he starts to believe that Rocky will win Alia (Priyanka chopra). In the mean while he has been terminated from the job. Now, the God gives him power and appoint him in his job to change everything.
He starts to listen people's prayers and fulfill every one wishes even criminal to be free and even the wish of Rocky that Alia marries him. The movie looks interesting. You are going to love it.
(Direct link: Right click on the link of mouse and save target as and play in Real player)
1. Tujhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon
2. Let's Party
3. Tumko Dekha
4. God Tussi Great Ho
5. Lal Chunariya
6. God Tussi Great Ho - Remix (DJ Amyth)
Here Arun (Salman Khan) is a unsuccessful TV anchor and for not getting success he always blame to God (Amitabh Bachchan). Later Rocky (Sohail Khan) is appointed and he starts to believe that Rocky will win Alia (Priyanka chopra). In the mean while he has been terminated from the job. Now, the God gives him power and appoint him in his job to change everything.
He starts to listen people's prayers and fulfill every one wishes even criminal to be free and even the wish of Rocky that Alia marries him. The movie looks interesting. You are going to love it.
(Direct link: Right click on the link of mouse and save target as and play in Real player)
1. Tujhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon
2. Let's Party
3. Tumko Dekha
4. God Tussi Great Ho
5. Lal Chunariya
6. God Tussi Great Ho - Remix (DJ Amyth)
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