Download Ada Songs !!!!
ADA-A Way of Life is a musical Hindi film. It’s directed by Tanvir Ahmad and music by A.R. Rahman. The music is quite difference. The music composed with the original concept along with the soundtrack its feature award-winning singer Jayachandran, contributing vocals.
Ada the word has difference meaning like some understand it as a mannerism or any attributes and any attitudes for simple way of life. Its story about spiritual father, noble mother and gangster son. Story depicts difference role play for an individual life that basis on love, anger, and passionate, ambition, and sacrifice, truth, good and evil. The film definitely moved many people and youngsters. Love story of new window you see to your eyes that drawing from many literature and original work Sooth to say, it is combination of romantic, stylish and musical touching suspense and thrills. God created men and music is the language in the wilderness and draws the attention of moved hearts including emotional attachments. Difference perceptions will be found of these films like some may be considered as thriller or some may be musical romantic. I thing it will entertainment all and would provide r/w s of it.
Here are some songs that you can download
(Direct link: Right click on the link of mouse & save target as & play)
1. Hai Dard2. Hawa Sun Hawa3. Ishq Ada4. Meherbaan5. Tu Mera Hai