In 1991, he came to Bollywood under the touch of well known music director Kalyanji-Anandji who gave him a break, and soon he got noticed by other composers. He sang many popular sonngs like, Kaho na Pyar hai(Kaho na Pyar Hai), Pari Pari Hai ek Pari(Hungama), Hum Tum(Hum Tum), Chanda Chamke(Fanaah)ete. He also sings some bangla songs,
Here are some songs that you can download
(Direct link: Right click on the link of mouse & save target as & play)
1. Eto Raat Holo Tobu
2. Keno Tumai Bhalobashi
3. Keno Tumi Firee Elena
4. O Ruposhi Ruper Rani
5. Priyotomashu Tumake Chiti
6. Shedin Akash Chuar Neshai
7. Tumai Dekhe Amar Mone
8. Udhaw Howar Mon
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